let you in, dear reader, on a little trade secret: The experience of chart interpretation illustrates the
energy of the chart. The fancy
word for this is metalogue, in which one experiences the very thing one is
talking or thinking about. As I
pour my consciousness over the charts I consult to write this report (insert
mental image here of a golden, viscous elixir pouring from a silver pitcher,
& spreading smoothly over symbols that weave themselves in shifting
multi-dimensional webs), I experience conflicting bursts of insight, periods of
disenchantment & distraction, & tugs between my private affairs and my
responsibilities & relationships.
The crux of this preamble is we
have many conflicting energies to deal with in the coming month, &
throughout Autumn. This time
period requires strong staying power to keep on task once you determine what
that task is for you. Further, it
won’t be just one task, although you’ll probably wish it was. The good news is there will be profound
rewards for these efforts, so roll up your pant-legs & slog on through.
First, let’s explore 9/19’s Pisces Full Harvest Moon, which
you’ll feel stronger on 9/18. Generally, at this full moon, we kiss summer
good-bye, reap our harvests (figuratively & metaphorically), & ideally
take some time to feel & express deep gratitude for the abundance in our
lives. Pisces’ influence can add
qualities of overwhelm & overindulgence, or profound gratitude &
transcendence - choose your own adventure, as always.
The big
to-do at this full moon, however, is the conjunction of Saturn & the North
Node - i.e. the heavy hitters in karma-land - in “dig-deeper” Scorpio. This combination asks for enormous
release in order for a truer path to emerge. As Venus moves through these two points this week, you can
expect transformation to occur in your relationships - closure, new
relationships, new phases within existing relationships, power struggles, &
profound sexual encounters are all fair game.
Full Moon Homework:
What do
your deepest, core values indicate as your true responsibilities?
there anything in life that you are experiencing pain about?
there something you’re grasping at in relationship to that pain?
might come forth if you let that go?
What do
you have to be grateful for at this time?
What are you harvesting?
Pluto stations direct in the days between the full moon & the
equinox. It could be fruitful to review any major internal shifts
you’ve felt since mid-April. The
big questions in this regard are:
What new sense of power have I discovered
since April?
are the limitations of my power?
responsibilities come with this power?
How can
I best direct my power for the greater good?
The Autumn Equinox occurs as the Sun enters Libra on 9/22. A
chart cast for this season shows various flavors of tension & conflict, but
also potential for big rewards for work done honestly, thoroughly & with
devotion. Take a risk, this
Autumn, on following those inner longings, but be sure to see them through
whatever set-backs, delays, & losses may occur along the way.
Venus is the queen in this chart -
ruling the Sun in Libra, conjunct Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio (be
responsible for & take action on what & who has deepest value to you,
& let go of anything that does
not resonate with your heart of hearts), square Mars in Leo (conflict
between your deepest values & your need for joy & enjoyment, as well as
strong potential for impatience & ego-infused disagreements), trine
Jupiter in Cancer (here’s that reward for taking a leap of faith on your
deepest longings, but Saturn’s influence will add delays & setbacks),
and opposite the South Node & Moon in Taurus (the imperative for change
& risk trumps desires for stability & serenity,). What a busy gal, that Venus. Somehow, amidst all of this, she
imparts her sense of style & grace.
The colors this season?
With Venus in Scorpio, & conjunct Saturn, it’ll be black, deep reds,
burgundy, greys & earth tones.
Yes, astrology affects fashion too!
energetic intensity knob turns up in early
October. The New Moon at 12
degrees Libra on 10/4 hearkens back to last month’s
Cardinal Cross. You may
review last month’s report for details
on this energy. The short version
is use your growing awareness of what really, truly matters to keep you focused
as you feel pulled between inner & outer responsibilities - personal &
relationship needs, worldly calling & family needs. You can’t attend to all of these needs
in any one moment, but try to keep the balance right in the greater time-context
of your life. In addition to this
drawn-&-quartered potential, Mercury is moving into a conjunction with the
North Node & Saturn as he enters the shadow of
his retrograde in Scorpio (10/21 - 11/10). This combination brings more clarity to the questions posed
at the beginning of this report (see the full moon homework above).
This pre-retrograde shadow period in the first couple weeks of
October 2013 is interplanetary back-up
your computers & other devices, & service your cars & bicycles
time. Take care of such pesky
details in the first half of October, so you can really dig into the Scorpionic
depths of painful loss in exchange for profound gain & true empowerment
without any mundane distractions getting in the way. More on that in next month’s report.
New Moons are generally times to be quiet & internal, the forces pulling
you outwards at this time will likely overwhelm that sense of return &
renewal. A Grand Cardinal Cross is
anything but internal, pulling you in every worldly direction imaginable. But even stronger than that, this new moon marks the build-up towards the Aries Lunar
Eclipse on 10/18. Eclipses
are extremely powerful forces that affect us for months before & after the
actual eclipse date. Yes, that
means you’ve already been tasting this fine Aries/Libra wine. This eclipse is the first in the next
year & a half of Aries/Libra eclipses, so it functions as an introduction
to the themes we’ll be working with through the spring of 2016.
The Aries/Libra axis brings up questions of self versus “other,” who/what we are versus who/what we are not, how
much to stand up for ourselves & how much to compromise for the sake of
harmony in relationships. Expect
to confront your fears & have your courage tested. Expect to face some tricky
decisions. In the next year and a
half, let this quote from Hillel be your guide:
“If I
am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am not for others, what am I?
If not now, when?”
these Aries/Libra eclipses will affect you depends on whether you tend towards
the me-first side of things, or the compromise-until-you-snap side of
things. Both of those attitudes
are somewhat valid, depending on the greater context of your situation, but
neither of those extremes is helpful or effective as a catch-all solution. By spring 2016, if you stay on top of
your Aries/Libra eclipse lessons, you will be a master at knowing when &
how much me-first force to apply, & when & how much compromise to give
in to.
In the
meantime, however, there will be growing pains. This lunar eclipse finds the Moon aligned with the exacting
planetoid, Eris, goddess of strife & discord, & both luminaries square
Jupiter in Cancer. It’s safe to
say you can expect some emotional ow-ies.
Eris’ strife occurs when something essential is left out. Until the missing pieces are
acknowledged & integrated into the whole (the whole of yourself, the whole
of your relationship, etc), there is discord & suffering. Because lunar eclipses pull us apart so
we can put the pieces back together in a truer way, perhaps you’ll find a new
way to fit that missing, strife-inducing black sheep back into the fold.
Bare in
mind that these energies are affecting us on the global level as well as the
personal level. Another aspect of
the Aries/Libra axis is war versus peace.
Consider the war & suffering in the world, & do what you can to
balance it by maintaining peace within & peace in your relationships. This may seem esoteric, but we are
interconnected in ways we cannot sense or comprehend with our rational
minds. Mystics have known this for
ages, & physics has proved this, but society has yet to embrace it. Here’s your chance to be ahead of the
curve! Instill peace in the world
by being peace. It is
a kind of direct action - subtle but immensely powerful.
Aries Lunar Eclipse Homework:
Do I
tend to be a me-first person or a compromise-until-I-snap person? Hint: You might be both.
situations in my life would shift & improve with more of a me-first
situations in my life would shift & improve with more compromise?
What is
the strife I am experiencing?
that strife indicate what is missing in my life?
discord am I encountering in my relationships?
that discord indicate what is missing in my relationships?
final advice, in regards to Uranus, Eris & the Moon in Aries during this
This is
volatile & potentially hurtful energy, made more incisive & critical by
Aries’ ruler, Mars, transiting through Virgo. Curb your anger & impatience by drawing upon the compassion
& forgiveness available from Neptune in Pisces opposite Mars, & the
expansive, gregarious & generous energy of Venus in Sagittarius, ruling
that Libra Sun. Remember to relate
the parts to the whole, keeping your sights on both the details & the context
in which you find them. Be
generous with your kindness, forgiveness & love - for yourself, for those
you are in relations with, & ultimately, for humanity.
more personalized insight, you may go here to schedule a private astrological consult, a Coalithesis energy healing treatment, or an intensive Alithesis healing session. If you enjoy these reports,
please forward this page on & repost it as you see fit. Until next month’s posting (on
Mercury’s retrograde & more), maintain that tricky balance of inner &
outer needs, practice kindness towards yourself and others, & shed your old
skin so your true self can shine forth.
Thanks for reading,
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