Spring 2013 Eclipse Season, & Sun through Taurus (4/19/13 - 5/20/13)

There’s a heated poker game going on between the universe & its many consciousnesses (that’s us - the wee mortal humans).  The universe, as it does every so often, is upping the ante.  In cosmic time, such things can take months or millennia, or several timeframes at once.  Regardless, the questions in such cosmic moments are:

Do you have the resources to ante up?
If not, are you willing to fake it &/or borrow until you do?
If you are not willing to ante/fake/borrow, are you willing to fold, give up this particular game, & move to another table for a more appropriate game - perhaps you’re actually more of a Blackjack or Go Fish type?
If you do have the resources to ante up, do you have the courage & clarity to do so?
What’s your winning strategy - once you’re in the proper game, & do chip in?

To frame this metaphor more bluntly, it’s time to commit on a deeper level to the truest next maneuver in your life, & to let go of anything you’re not willing to commit fully to.  Your motto for the next month could be any of the following: Do it or lose it.  Use it or lose it.  Commit or release.  Hoka hey.

And now for the astrological breakdown:

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th, in the 9th house, conjunct Mars, Venus & Pallas, all moving into opposition with Saturn in Scorpio, & moving into a sextile with Neptune in Pisces.  Simultaneously, Mercury & Uranus are nearing conjunction (4/20).  Hence, the energetic imperative of the Taurus solar month (4/19/13 - 5/20/13) is release - specifically mental release - that enables truer commitment.

Neptune’s influence encourages compassion & forgiveness.  His/her (Neptune’s gender is obscure) placement in the 6th house cautions against judgment & expecting perfection from oneself or others, & stimulates generosity of action.  Do something selfless for someone this month, but ONLY from a place of love & non-attachment.  Acting in someone’s behalf with any shred of guilt, or any attachment to how your gift/service will be received or utilized will only backfire.  Check in with your values & your heart before you act on someone’s behalf.

Generally, the Sun’s transit through Taurus is a good time to commit to something you want to see through in the long haul.  You determine what such things are by getting clear about your values, & then committing to those activities that align with your values & also help you to obtain & enjoy what you value (the good things in life, as defined by you).  This year, make sure these actions, experiences & possessions are also in alignment with your philosophies. 

You may find these questions helpful throughout the Taurus solar month (4/19/13 - 5/20/13):
What do you value now?
What do you believe & believe in?
Are your values & beliefs in alignment?  If not, how can you bring them into alignment?
Are your values in alignment with your actions & decisions?  If not, how can you bring them into alignment?
Do you value what you own?  If not, why do you own it (i.e. What’s your fear?)
How might letting go of what you do not value (relationships, possessions, skills, jobs, etc) create more space for what you truly value?
Do you trust that the vacancy created by letting go will be filled?  If not, why?

What risk is it time to take? (Hint: this is a risk on yourself, though it may show up in an outer-world action)
How might issues of self-esteem or faith be getting in the way of your taking this risk?

What new, revolutionary insights are coming to light for you at this time?
How can you integrate these ideas into your consciousness & into your actions?

How & to whom might you be of service this month?
Does that service align with your values, beliefs, & joy?
If not, what is your attachment with this person or their outcome?
How can you let that go, thus allowing them to face their own karma & take responsibility for their own evolution?

This imperative of release & commitment is further strengthened by the lunar eclipse (full moon on steroids) in Scorpio on 4/25.  The Moon is then aligned with Saturn in Scorpio, while the Sun continues its alignment with Mars, all directly on the chart’s vertical axis.  Neptune in Pisces adds some emotional momentum through a trine/sextile with the Moon/Sun, strengthening a need to let go, release what’s not yours, & forgive.  Watch out, however, for overwhelm & escapism.  The tightrope to walk here is to let go appropriately.  See below for questions to help you define what that is.  With this configuration, we are offered emotional insight into what our true commitments are & are not, but we have to be willing to DIG.  Scorpio has no interest in surfaces.

These commitments may feel big & even overwhelming, but they should ultimately have that feeling of RIGHTNESS.  The sense to look for is, “Well, it may not be easy, but it’s the right thing to do.”  If it’s familiar, if it’s easily & quickly accomplished, it is unlikely to be right at this time.  With the Sun conjunct Mars in Taurus on the Midheaven, it’s time to roll up the sleeves & get to work out in the world.  With the Moon conjunct Saturn on the Nadir, opposite that Sun/Mars/MC, it’s time to be honest with & responsible to what we truly feel in our heart of hearts.  Those solar actions will be strengthened when they come from the heart, & will only backfire if they stem from a sense of duty, guilt, fear, &/or judgment.

Questions to help you evolve through the Scorpio lunar eclipse (4/25):
How have you allowed your roots (parents, family, tribe, ethnicity, nation, personal history) to shape you?
How can you redefine yourself within the constructs of those roots so that they empower you?
How can you bring your career &/or place in society into truer alignment with your values?
Are you taking steps that, though difficult, in the long haul feel RIGHT to you?

What decisions are you currently facing?
Are you willing to do what feels more difficult, arduous & truer to your heart, rather than what feels easy, familiar, & deep-down like a cop-out (i.e. a betrayal of your heart)?

Are you holding yourself to the same standards as you hold others to?
If not, do you hold yourself to a much higher standard than others, or vice versa?
What would happen if you leveled that playing field?  How might that transform you, your relationships, & the people you are in relationship with? 

On 5/9, we have the second of this spring’s three eclipses - a Taurus solar eclipse (new moon on steroids).  Although none of these eclipses are particularly strong, the planetary energy throughout this time is dense.  This solar eclipse begins the lunation that culminates in a Sagittarius lunar eclipse on 5/25 - the last eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis until the end of 2019 (more on that in next month’s posting).  Also occurring within this lunation is another exact square in the ongoing square dance between Pluto & Uranus (2012 - 2015) on 5/20/13.

This Taurus solar eclipse closely aligns the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Pallas & the Dragon’s tail (karmic release point) in the 7th house.  Any new moon, but especially a solar eclipse signifies a time to retreat into oneself in order to locate & hit our personal reset button.  With all this activity in Taurus in the house of relationships, suggested reset activities are gardening, hiking, or a picnic & heartfelt conversation with a loved one.  Basically, do something rejuvenative & either contemplative &/or intimate out in nature.  Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you enjoy, & enjoy it fully.

We are also, in this solar eclipse chart, under the influence of a Grand Water Trine between Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces, & Vesta in Cancer.  This is a prelude to this summer’s Grand Water Trine fugue, so take note of the emotional momentum that is coming up for you now.  Consider the energy of water: reflection, cleansing/release, the ability to fill any vessel & take any form.  With this configuration, either (high road) you work with your emotions, or (low road) they work you into overwhelm &/or cruelty to yourself or others - your choice.

Questions to help you evolve through the Taurus solar eclipse (5/9):
Review & realign yourself with your values yet again, & see if they’ve shifted since the Scorpio lunar eclipse.

What do you value in relationships?  Which current relationships most align with your values?
Which relationships do you value the most, & why?  Do you act in alignment with that hierarchy?
Do you feel valued in your relationships?  If not, how can you discuss this with those you are close with?
Do you value those you are in relationship with?  What actions can you take that would clearly communicate that to your partner/s?
Do you have unhealthy attachments to anyone?
How can you evolve those relationships into interdependency rather than codependency, or let go of those relationships that are beyond salvation?
What do your relationships teach you about who you are (& who you’re not)?

What is the current state of your emotional momentum (do you tend towards anger, depression, grief, overwhelm, etc)?
If you are unable to access or work with your emotions, what sort of help would you be willing to try (therapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP, weekly acupuncture, support groups, regular exercise, etc)?
Do you have any addictions (substances, food, TV, internet, social media, work, etc)?
What are you willing to do to help yourself evolve out of those habits?

That should tide you over until the Gemini solar month’s report on the Sagittarius lunar eclipse & the next installment of the Pluto/Uranus square saga.  This Taurus month is a preparation for next month’s crack-your-mind-wide-open imperative.  Good luck with this time of density, release, right risk, & transformation.

For more personalized insight, you may go here to schedule a private astrological consult, or - if you’re feeling out of whack - an Alithesis healing session.  Until next month’s posting, happy digging & delving, releasing & committing.  Thanks for reading,
Rae Diamond
rae13diamond {at} gmail.com