Scorpio Solar Eclipse, Mercury Stations Direct

Have you ever looked through a gauzy thin veil? Try it. Put on a thin veil, walk around, observe your world, and then look in the mirror. The world is visible to you, although somewhat altered, while you, yourself, are obscured. Now try (or imagine trying) the same thing with a thicker fabric. Depending on the fabric, you can either just barely see your world, or not at all, and you yourself are completely invisible in the mirror, save for the knowing of some presence. The Scorpio solar month is famous for its’ “thin veil” - a time when our three dimensional, material “reality” mingles with ethereal dimensions, thus increasing the occurrence and gravity of mysterious and synchronistic events. What is actually happening is you are more able to witness, be seen by, and interact with layers of reality that are in fact always there.

Sun in Scorpio: 10/23 - 11/22
During the solar month of Scorpio, we find ourselves in mid-autumn, when leaves mimic the colors of sunset. Each wind storm thins out the foliage, increasing our view of the sky, helping us remember how small we really are beneath the vastness of that limitless ceiling. It’s a time of nostalgia, of reminiscing about the fun and follies of spring and summer, and of remembering places, experiences, and people - including our own past selves - no longer in our lives. It’s a time of conservation and retraction, a time to let some things go in order to conserve our energy and focus more deeply as our bodies slow down for the winter.

    What & whom do you remember fondly, including parts of yourself?
    How can you honor the people and experiences of your past?
    What are the trunk, root, and main branches of your life?
    What are the leaves you need to let go of in order to nourish that trunk, those roots and branches?

The Transformation Lunation Begins with a Solar Eclipse: 10/23
Both the solar and lunar months of Scorpio begin with a partial solar eclipse in the first degree of Scorpio, with Venus also entering Scorpio that day, close on the heels of the Sun and Moon. This eclipse is not a particularly strong eclipse, but it is significant because it beautifully illustrates Scorpio’s main theme of death - as the seasoned last eclipse in this sign for over eight years - and rebirth - for the first degree of a sign always embodies the freshness and naivety of rebirth.

Venus’ presence in this configuration helps us to rebirth that which we value, and let go of that which matters less to us. The operative word here is matter. Astrological information and the questions that arise from that information can put us in a cerebral state of being, but transformation - literally, the changing of the form or matter of something - requires that we translate idea and inspiration into creative action. Ideally, the physical matter of our lives reflects what actually matters to us. Neptune trines this eclipse from Pisces, highlighting the sacredness of the necessary sacrifices we make at this time, and reminding us to be mindful and grateful in our lettings go.

    What has changed in the form of your life, relationships & body since November of 2012?
    What grace do you receive when you let go of that which no longer lights up your life?
    How might letting go help you connect with infinity & with possibilities otherwise unavailable to you?

Mercury Stations Direct in Libra: 10/25
The quick little trickster of our solar system stations direct in mid-Libra on October 25th, enabling you to move forward with the transformative and balancing realizations that have struck you since he stationed retrograde in early Scorpio on October 4th. Mercury represents our style and finesse of perception, communication and movement. When he appears to move backwards (retrograde), our assumed perceptions are challenged, which forces us to communicate more clearly, and to move through the world with renewed awareness. This particular retrograde cycle marks another death and rebirth imperative - because it began in early Scorpio, conjunct the degree of the 10/23 eclipse, because it is the last (death) of Mercury’s retrogrades in water signs for over three years, and because he stations direct in Libra, close to the degree of the dragon’s head, which represents the evolutionary ideas from which rebirth arises.

    What “A-ha’s” have you had since October 4th?
    How do those realizations help you to think, move and communicate differently?
    How do these shifts in perception bring you into balance?
    How do they help you to change the forms of your life, relationships, actions, and speech?

Some Saturn insights:
Meanwhile Saturn, the structurer, continues his trudge through the depths of Scorpio, having entered there in October of 2012. Each of the Scorpio eclipses in the past several springs and autumns have been like storms to this slow and steady traveler - electrifying, drenching, cleansing, and muddying. Each of Mercury’s autumnal retrogrades in Scorpio (since 2012) have altered Saturn’s steady course as the journey’s goal shifted somewhat each time. With only a couple months left in Scorpio, Saturn receives a couple bursts of inspiration in mid-November as Venus and then the Sun conjoin him for a moment, softening and then lighting the depths of Scorpio’s intensity and Saturn’s determination. This is a perfect time to attend the Saturn and his Cycles workshop (clarifying Saturn returns & more) on Saturday, November 15th, from noon til 3pm. It’s also a good time to ask yourself these questions:

    What stability & structure have I lost since 2012?
    What truer stability & structure have I gained instead?
    Are the structures of my life in alignment with my values and purpose?

Neptune stations Direct: 11/15
The last significant event of the Scorpio solar month occurs when Neptune stations direct in early Pisces. This indicates we have opportunities for insight into the Neptunian and Piscean themes of mindful awareness in favor of illusion, and sacrifice as a prelude to redemption.

    What have you sacrificed since early June?
    What redemption do those sacrifices offer you?
    What illusions have shattered since then?
    What awareness & inspiration have you received in the wake of those clarifications?

Coming Soon:
Next month’s report on the solar month of Sagittarius will help you gain insight on Jupiter’s coming retrograde cycle, and support your alignment with the evolutionary cardinal T-square, instigated by another exact pass of the ongoing tense Uranus/Pluto square. Thanks for reading,

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