Sun in Taurus, Mercury retrograde

It’s time for some riddles.

#1, Pretend our minds our mushrooms. Our perceptions, then, are mycelia, extending through the world around us, the conversations we engage in, and all the other information we take in. Our memories and dreams are also mycelia, and thus our mushroom minds span through various layers of time - past, present and future - as well as various layers of reality - material, emotional, mental and creative. Like mycelia in the forest, our mental mycelia simultaneously digest and weave a web throughout their environment. The questions, then, are where does the fruiting body - that thing we visualize when we think of the word “mushroom” - show up, and what form does it take?

#2, Can your mind travel over, under, around and/or through matter?

#3, Does matter have a mind of its own?

This month, the impalpable mind collides with the material plane. Keep your ears open, and you just might hear the din of that impact. Below, you’ll find clues to help you unravel these riddles.

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Sun in Taurus: 4/20/15 - 5/21/15
The operative word during the solar month of Taurus is “matter” in all senses of the word. Taurus is firmly rooted in the substance of reality, enthralled with what can be perceived through the physical senses, and utterly devoted to relating to everyone and everything it perceives. That covers the physical matter aspect, but then there’s the question of...

What matters to you?
What do you love to do, eat, read, listen to, and smell?
Where do you love to be, and how do you like to get there?
Whom do you love to be with?
Do you love yourself?
Do you believe you matter?

The sun’s yearly transit through Taurus also marks the height of spring, when the natural world is in full bloom. It’s a great time to remind yourself you are a part of nature, which brings forth the obvious questions of...

What part of you is blossoming right now?
What parts of your life - work, relationships, projects, etc - are blossoming right now.
The flowers of spring are followed by the fruits of autumn, unless, of course, you nip something in the bud. Fertilize and prune as you see fit.

Full Scorpio Moon: 5/3/15
The moon culminates in eagle-eyed Scorpio, opposing the Sun in Taurus, and thus offering a deeper perspective on what truly matters. Jupiter squares both of the luminaries from Leo, creating a tense, fixed T-square in the heavens.

What blossoms bring you the most joy?
What blossoms bring you the most attention, praise, and abundance?
What is your relationship with those various blossoms?
What blossoms need to be cut from your rose bush so the others can thrive?

Also on the day of the full moon, Mercury (mind) opposes Saturn (matter), and is about to enter the fore-shadow of his retrograde. It’s time to take your... 

pre-Mercury retrograde precautions:
Get your cars and bikes tuned up.
Back up your phones and computers.
Finalize travel plans.
Take note of any issues that start brewing in your communications and perceptions.
And above all, get ready to be flexible.

Mercury Retrograde: 5/18/15 - 6/11/15
About 20 hours after the new Taurus moon, Mercury stations retrograde in his home sign of Gemini. New moons impart an internal focus, and Taurus is a sign that appreciates slowness and stillness, all of which mingle well with the apparent pause of the solar system’s speediest planet. The more you can let go of your familiar perspectives in the three and a half weeks of this retrograde, and open your mind to allow space for new perspectives, the smoother things will go for you.

What do you perceive?
How does that shape what you believe?
How does what you believe shape what you perceive?
How does this create a closed loop of belief and perception?
What happens if you allow yourself to notice things you don’t normally notice?

In the words of cosmologist, Carl Sagan, “Somewhere, there is something incredible waiting to be known." What is that something for you? Can you find it? Open your ears. Open your eyes. Open your heart. Open your mind.

Coming Soon:
Next month’s report on the solar month of Gemini will offer insights into Saturn’s re-entry into Scorpio and other surprises. Feel free to like and repost this report as you see fit. Until next time, wishing you a heart-ful month. Thanks for reading,

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