Sun in Aquarius 2014, Mercury Retrograde

Sun in Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde
Sun in Aquarius: 1/19/14 - 2/18/14
Mercury Retrograde: 2/6/14 - 2/28/14

Here we are - a mass of consciousnesses, coexisting in some plane of existence that many of us call reality.  We bump into each other - this reminds us that we are not alone here, and offers us some reflective surface to bounce our perceptions off of.  This is how we test our awareness, either proving or disproving our perceptions.

Here we are - a mass of souls, infinitely interconnected through some web that spans all of time & space.  There is a force that bonds us, feeds us, heals & teaches us.  This force reaches us through our interactions with each other, and through our own awareness of this force.  Some call it love,  but it is stronger & vaster than any name we could give it.

The solar month of Aquarius, 2014 offers you the opportunity to gain insight into your connexions to others on intimate, communal and spiritual levels.  In any transit of the Sun through Aquarius, we tend to be focused on community.  We reach out to others, meet new people, and ideally stir up our stable reality with some inspired spontaneity.  This year, we have a couple of interesting twists to this already interesting Aquarian plot.

Plot Twist #1:
Venus, ruler of beauty, grace, abundance, and relationship, continues her retrograde in Capricorn (since 12/21/13) until January 31st.  This influence has given you ample opportunities to reevaluate the structures of your life, to reevaluate the relationships you’re in and how you operate within those relationships, and to reevaluate your current financial status, financial goals, & how you intend to attain those goals.  Normally once Venus stations direct, we get to implement outer-world shifts, based on our retrograde-induced reevaluation process.  Due to plot twist #2 (see below), and to the delay-inducing influence of Capricorn, and to further sticky elements ahead, these changes will be slow in manifesting.  Rule of thumb for the first half of 2014: Be patient!

Look at the investments - financial and otherwise - you’ve made or are making during this time, and consider what these investments might lead you to.
Why are you investing your time, energy, money, and devotion into these items or actions or creations?
What is important to you about them?
What, exactly, is important to you?
Does where you put your time and energy teach you about what is important to you?
Are your goals in alignment with your values - in relationship, in life, in career, in thought, in deed?

Plot Twist #2:
Mercury, the trickster god & ruler of communication & transportation, stations retrograde in Pisces on February 6th, and then moves backwards into Aquarius on February 12th.  General Mercury retrograde advice is back up your computers & other communication devices, tune up your transportation vehicles, & get any upcoming travel plans squared away before February 6th.  Then be flexible with how things unfold throughout February.  Go with the flow, especially when things go awry, and open yourself to any insights the inevitable communication & transportation glitches may offer you.

For this specific Mercury retrograde cycle in Pisces & Aquarius:
February 6th - 12th
How does your mood effect your perceptions?
What do you need to forgive in yourself and others, & how will this forgiveness ultimately free you?
Do you perceive things from the role of victim or martyr?  Why?  What would happen if you changed that story?
February 12th - 28th
How are your perceptions shaped by your community?
What unique perspective do you have to offer humanity?
Is that perspective ripe yet?  If not, how can you nurture it into its fullest expression?
Are you allowing room in your mind for other perspectives?  Are you listening?

Plot thickener:
That pesky Cardinal T-square (see last month’s post) - Throughout the past couple months and the coming months, we are balancing various tensions between masterminding longterm shifts in our responsibilities, increasing our experience of nourishment, and implementing/expressing fresh & sometimes radical insights into who we are.  These are disparate energies that for now feel incongruous, but will integrate into a cohesive whole in the future.  Do your best to manage the balance of inner and outer needs, and personal and relationship needs, which may require elongating your sense of time.

Next month’s report will cover the lunar nodes’ entry into the Aries/Libra axis.  Until then, we are completing one and a half years of evolution in the Taurus/Scorpio axis.  Consider these questions, as we complete this nodal transit:
Have you identified your core truths?
Are you taking appropriate risks, based on your core truths?
Have you released grasping at security & safety, in favor of what truly & deeply matters to you?
What transformations have taken place in you & in your life since September 2012?

For more personalized insight, you may schedule a private astrological consult, a healing session, or a healing intensive.  Consults & healings are both available in person, over the phone, or via Skype.  If you enjoy these reports, please, like, forward this page on & repost it as you see fit.  Until next time, wishing you insight & heartsight.  Thanks for reading,

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