Sun in Pisces, Mars Retrograde in Libra

Sun in Pisces, Mars Retrograde

“‘Who are You?’ said the Caterpillar... Alice replied... ‘I hardly know... at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.’” - from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Pisces solar month: 2/18/14 - 3/20/14
If you relate with Alice’s response to the Caterpillar, congratulations - you are in alignment with the current energetic thrusts.  When the Sun transits through Pisces, it’s time to let go of who you think you are, and put your energy and attention into merging with whatever presents itself to you. Only through surrendering your perceptions of yourself can your new true self emerge in the Aries month.

It’s time, now, to pay attention to your dreams, & to direct the flow of your life through the realm of visions, insights & inklings. Pisces is the master of ambiguity, with one foot in this world & one foot in the beyonds. Until Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, enters Aries in 2025, we are in a time of all things Pisces intensified. So forgive everything & everyone, exercise compassion with yourself & others, & walk the razor’s edge of the mystic: absolute awareness with utter surrender.

What new levels of forgiveness can you reach this month - towards both yourself & others?
How do things shift when you tap into compassion in difficult situations - for yourself & others?

Do you have any addictive or escapist tendencies?
How can you cultivate more presence & acceptance?

What is arising in your dreams these days - both in sleep & in waking?
What is arising in your imagination these days?
Can you surrender to what these images, themes & energies suggest?

Nodal shift into Aries/Libra: 2/18/14 - 11/13/15
This month, we begin trekking through the foothills of the energetic mountains of 2014, so let your heart open wide (Leo rules the heart) with the Leo full moon on 2/14, interestingly falling on that day that people think about romance & companionship. That, friends, is some cosmic foreshadowing because four days later, the lunar nodes (points indicating karmic release & evolution) enter the Aries/Libra axis of self/partnership, where they’ll transit until late 2015.

With the south node in Aries, it’s time to let go of “my way or the highway” behaviors & attitudes. If you have story lines about being a survivor, a hero against the odds, or a renegade all on your own against the world, it’s time to change your story. Instead, tap into Aries’ most positive traits - courage, loyalty, enthusiasm, vitality & vision to help you tap into your Libran side.  With the north node in Libra, it’s time to develop your capacity for compromise, your ability to instigate peace, your aesthetic sensibilities, your embodiment of grace, & your relationship skills.

The great key to evolving through the Aries/Libra axis is allowing your relationships with others to expand who you are as an individual through accepting, understanding, & eventually embracing their differences. Once again, the Alice & the Caterpillar theme of surrendering who you’ve been & who you think you are presents itself.

Do you see yourself as a survivor?
How might your life change if you saw yourself as powerful instead?
In what ways have you experienced grace?
How can you invite more grace into your life?

Do you see yourself as heroically facing the world all alone?
How might your life alter if you acknowledged all the help & support you have received from others?
How might your life alter if you learned how to effectively ask for help?

How can you cultivate peace & beauty in yourself, in your life, & in the world?

Mars retrograde: 3/1/14 - 5/19/14
Just in case you were planning on slacking on the lunar node work, the planets have aligned a few persuasive arguments in favor of evolution. Mars, the ruler of Aries, will be retrograding through the sign of Libra for two and a half months. He stations retrograde very close to the degree of the next lunar eclipse in Libra (4/15/14), and opposite Eris, a modern ruler of Libra. The next day, on 3/2/14, Venus - the traditional ruler of Libra - makes an exact square with Mars, still almost stationary in the sky.

In layperson’s terms, what all that means is your relationships will be your main source of growth right now. You will experience that as challenges in existing relationships, new relationships that stretch both your strength & your level of understanding, & also great rewards in/through relationships after you’ve put in much honest effort. Eris’ presence in this configuration suggests that if you are experiencing strife in your relationships, it is because you are not seeing the whole picture. In that case, find the missing piece that alters your perception. Depending on the situation, that may necessitate leaving a relationship, surrendering to being wholly in a relationship, changing the nature of a relationship, or changing your role within a relationship.

How do you direct your energy in your relationships?
Is there any strife showing up in your relationships?
How might you need to shift how you direct your energy in your relationships, based on that strife?

How is your balance of compromise & self-advocacy in your various relationships?
Which relationships might need to alter form, either ending, committing deeper, or shifting gears?
What roles do you play in your relationships? Do these seem appropriate, or do they need to shift?
Do you assert yourself gracefully?
Are you courageous in your compromises?

Other events worth noting:
Mercury stations direct in Aquarius on 2/28/14. Please wait a week to celebrate that fact because it takes a while for him to get back up to speed. By then, Mars will be retrograde, so remember to be patient & flexible through the first half of 2014. We entered the year of the horse and a new elemental cycle in the Chinese astrological system recently, but we still have a mass of retrogrades to contend with. There will be movement, but it will be two steps forward, one step back until roughly July. Then it’s time to hold onto your hats because the pace will be wild. Until then, try to enjoy the slow pace, & surrender to the setbacks as they are ultimately leading you to a truer alignment with your own heart.

Bay Area folks, I’ll be teaching a class on energetic applications of herbs for current astrological trends at Homestead Apothecary in north Oakland on Thursday, March 13th, 2014 at 6pm.

Next month’s posting will cover the explosive eclipse in Libra that occurs in tandem with a Grand Cardinal Cross (Want change? Here it comes!) & a farewell solar eclipse in Taurus. By the way, you are already feeling that Libra eclipse.

As for this month, when in doubt, surrender.
Surrender to what is present & current with awareness & grace.

For more personalized insight, you may schedule a private astrological consult, healing session, or healing intensive in person, over the phone, or via Skype. Feel free to like, forward this page on & repost it as you see fit. Until next time, wishing you insight & heartsight.  Thanks for reading, Rae Diamond

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