Full Moon in Aquarius, Mercury stations direct, 8/1/12 & 8/7/12, respectively

Good news, readers:  Maybe - just maybe - the energetic tensions are letting up a bit... kind of... sort of... almost...  Or maybe we’re just settling into the tension, getting comfy with the discomfort.  Perception being relative, it’s difficult to know.

This, however, is certain: as we approach an Aquarius full moon, it’s a good idea to remember that perception is indeed relative.  Yes, you’re a brilliant point of light, & your way of seeing things is a valid & unique truth, but that doesn’t make it the only truth... unless of course you’re the author of an astrology blog (ha, ha).

Get out, & have a good time on this full moon night.  Let off some steam with others in playful & creative ways.  Mars has been stirring up anger, resentment, impatience, violence & trouble by applying tension to that longterm Pluto/Uranus square, & this full moon is the perfect opportunity to channel that energy into a positive, creative, community-building experience.  This full moon, aligned with retrograding Mercury & enhancing that Pluto/Uranus square, offers opportunities for learning something deep, hidden & potentially eruptive about yourself, so keep your ego in check & pay attention!  See homework below for more clues...

The full moon chart shows Mars moving from one activating position to another - he’s approaching a conjunction with Saturn.  This means it’s time to put the pedal to the metal in any projects & relationships you’ve been developing since autumn of 2009 & summer of 2010.  By October, when Saturn moves into Scorpio, relationships, relationship patterns, personal belief systems about relationships, & any projects that have been major foci in the past 2-3 years will come to a conclusion or turning point.  I’ll be teaching some Saturn workshops in & around the Pacific Northwest in October.  Contact me for details, or if you’d like to buy the T-shirt: Saturn tour, 2012!  That is a joke, & perhaps not a very good one.  What can I say?  I was possessed by the exuberance of the Sun in Leo.

Your two threads of homework for this full moon:

Which relationships & projects have I put the most effort into since autumn ’09 & summer ’10?  Do I need to let any of these people or projects go?  How can I commit more deeply to those people & projects that continue to hold meaning & promise?  How can I evolve my own beliefs & perceptions so that I can be in right relationship with others?  Are there any instances in which I’m putting all the blame on someone else?  How can I own & therefore empower myself so that I can shift my course in relationships?  What limits do I need to accept in my current relationships so that I can activate the actual potential inherent in those relationships?

How can I express myself authentically to my community or beyond into humanity?  Who is the right audience for my expressions?  What do I really want to create & communicate, & what is truly possible in the time I have on this Earth in this particular body?  How can I increase my capacity for experiencing & inspiring joy?  How can I shift my mentality so that I spread love & quell my tendencies towards judgment?

Perhaps those were ropes more than threads of homework.  Moving right along...

About a week later, Venus enters Cancer & Mercury stations direct.  Venus offers opportunities to nurture family relationships & build trust in your other relationships through the first week of September.  Also during that time period, artists will have more ability to heal themselves & others through channeling deeply felt emotions through their respective media.

As for Mercury, remember it’ll be another week before he gets back up to speed, so don’t expect things to run smoothly until around August 15th, when Venus moves into a T-square relationship with Pluto & Uranus, & both the Moon & Mars conjunct Saturn.  So much for things running smoothly.  Even if you do not identify yourself as an artist, you will be greatly helped if you take up pen, crayon, paintbrush, voice, tambourine, or dancing slippers, & let yourself express - & therefore make known - any buried fears & insecurities that will otherwise erupt in destructive ways, & probably at the wrong people.  If the truth is avoided, power & authority will be misused.  If hidden truths (fears & desires) are faced, however, this configuration offers profound healing & transformation.

These questions may help you navigate mid-August with a bit more grace:
How is fear affecting my ability to relate with others?  What desires am I hiding from myself?  How can I evolve desires I’ve held in my subconscious since childhood that confuse my actions as an adult?  In other words, take an honest look at your mommy issues, your daddy issues, your sexuality, & your hunger for power & being in the limelight, & how all of these issues interlock.

Disturbing stuff, I know.  The truth is we all have shadows, & if we pretend we don’t then we do bad things & allow bad things to happen to us.  If we know & accept our shadows, then we can utilize them in profound & healing ways.

If you need help locating & dealing with the skeletons in your closet, schedule an in-person or over-the-phone astrology consultation with me, come see me for an Alithesis session, begin a mentorship with me, or work with any of these other fine practitioners.

If you need some levity after all this heaviness, have fun visiting these other sites:
breakfast monsters Yes, breakfast.  Yes, monsters.
affordable art shop for images to inspire your healing & evolution
love bunni press, publishers of the finest zines for over 20 years.

Have fun & be creative while the Sun moves through bright, buoyant Leo, & make some new friends on August 1st!  Thanks for reading.
rae13diamond & gmail.com

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