Vernal Equinox & New Moon in Aries, 3/19/12 & 3/22/12, respectively

We have a good deal of push-pull energy continuing throughout spring 2012 with the energizing events of the vernal equinox on the night of March 19th & the new moon in Aries the morning of March 22nd, being somewhat thwarted by Mercury retrograding in Aries & Pisces, March 12th - April 4th, & Mars continuing to retrograde in Virgo until April 14th.  If this blog doesn’t fulfill your curiosity on these issues, my class on Mars, Aries & the 1st House on Sunday, March 18th will.

As for Mercury’s current retrograde cycle:  With Mercury retrograding in Aries, we are given the opportunity to rethink how we assert ourselves.  Once he moves back into Pisces on the morning of March 25th, we’ll have the opportunity to revision our life dream.

You’re likely to have your fair share of arguments & other frustrating miscommunications through March 25th.  The questions to ask yourself in those moments are:
What am I responsible for in this confrontation?  What do I really want?  How might I more effectively go after what I want?  Am I hearing the other person?  Am I being heard, & if not, how might I enable myself to be more effectively heard?

March 25th - April 4th should be less confrontational, & more of a time to do some creative visioning.  These questions may be helpful in that time period:
What do I believe is possible & what do I believe is impossible?  How do I use these beliefs to limit myself & others?  What would I rather believe is possible?  What would happen if I let myself believe those things?

Yes, it’s true that while Mercury is in retrograde, things involving tools of communication & transportation can go awry in irritating ways (e.g. the computer I am now typing at crashed while my husband was trying to back it up while Mercury was stationary a few days ago; during a Mercury retrograde cycle a few years ago, I spent the night on my friend’s massage table because there’d been a “bomb threat” from a bored teenager that caused the next several ferries back to Seattle to be canceled).  Such events are upsetting, but they’re also goldmines of fresh perspective.  If you focus too much on the inconvenience, you’ll miss out on the opportunity to learn something about yourself.

I now step down from my soap box.

A chart cast for the equinox gives us a sense of the energetic pattern of the entirety of the coming spring.  Therefore, you’ll continue to feel the effects of the grand earth trine I wrote about in the full moon in Virgo report throughout spring 2012.

With the Sun conjunct retrograding Mercury & Uranus in Aries in the 5th house, this spring looks like a good time to rekindle your individual joy.  First, however, you’ll need to understand how your capacity for, sources of, & means of expressing joy have evolved.  There is something sparklingly new for you in the meeting of self assertion & self expression, & it’s up to you to discover what it is.

Here’s the part of the vernal equinox chart that tickled my astrological whiskers:
The soulful Moon, at home in the 4th house, is conjunct Neptune, so freshly settled in Pisces, & Chiron, the renegade planetoid, all in opposition to retrograding Mars, & all in a grand mutable cross with the lunar nodes.  This configuration insists on profound karmic release & evolution.  Rest assured, dear reader, I know that is a completely useless & vapid statement, in & of itself - the sort of sentence that gives astrology a bad name.  Allow me to offer you a more practical approach to working with that pattern:

Spring 2012 is a good time to wash your hands, once & for all, of any martyr tendencies, infantile idealism (“everything should just come to me effortlessly, or maybe if I whine & cry”), & outdated mommy issues (even if she didn’t love you enough, if you’re reading this, it’s probably up to you to love yourself at this point), especially those kept in place by your personal myth - i.e. your version of your personal history thus far.  This configuration reminds us that our words & the perspectives we’ve built from our past experiences, have the power to shape our material reality for better or for worse.

Which will you choose - better or worse?  If you’re interested in choosing “better,” you may find these questions helpful:
Are there any “victim” themes in my personal myth?  If so, how might I shift my perspective on the facts of my past so that I am empowered rather than victimized by my difficult experiences?  What would be a more joyous philosophy I could embrace?  Who, of those closest to me, is healing to my self esteem?  How might I internalize their loving respect for me?  What, regardless of what I was conditioned to believe is possible, is a manifestable version of my dream of a worldly career for myself?  What skills & attitudes do I need to develop in order to actualize that vision?  How does this career relate to my philosophies & values in ways that others might find useful &/or beautiful?

Heavens, but that’s a lot to work on!  Here’s a short & sweet new moon report:
This Aries new moon, so closely following the equinox, offers you the opportunity to have a quiet moment within.  Although Aries is the sign of bursting forth into being, new moons are generally not explosive times, especially when they take place conjunct a retrograding Mercury in the 12th house along with two other planets, two asteroids & a planetoid.  While Aries would have us fight, the overwhelming 12th house placement suggests the fight is within.  This new moon urges you to relinquish your hold on who you think you are.  If you are able to allow that old sense of self to dissolve, a new vision of yourself will emerge of its own accord, perhaps quite suddenly due to Uranus’ influence.

The seeds of potent manifestation offered by the grand earth trine continue to whisper in your ear, & the tension of the grand mutable cross continues to push you to cast off your burdensome beliefs.  It’s hard work, dredging up that junk, but much less work than carrying around a load of old, rotten garbage.

If you are interested in a one-on-one astrological consultation with me, please contact me via the email below.  Until next time, have a wonderful end of winter, & a joyful start to spring!  Thanks for reading,
Rae Diamond
rae13diamond @

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