Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, Mercury stations Direct, 11/28/12 & 11/26/12, respectively

Do you like riddles?

Whether you’re reading The Hobbit or Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or an astrology blog, you know you’re in for a wild ride when someone asks you that question.

Well, here we are, riding a wily Gemini & intense Scorpio beast, wielding an eclipse, two T-squares, a Finger of God, & Thor’s Hammer on on our way to...


Well, that’s the riddle:
Where are you going?  Where do you really want to be going?
Notice the discrepancy between the answers you get to those two questions, & then adjust your actions & decisions accordingly.

Here’s where the riddle gets sticky:  You can’t really know what your actions & decisions will lead to.  This lunar eclipse chart suggests a leap of faith (Neptune/Chiron square the Sun/Moon opposition, with Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith & retrograding Jupiter).  This is no ordinary leap of faith, however.  It’s a leap of faith, planned meticulously, researched thoroughly, prepared well behind the scenes, & then executed with confidence when the time is ripe.

The time is not yet ripe, though.  We’re in a completion phase, suggested by many factors, including this final eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis until the next round begins in another 9 years.  Another helpful line of questioning:
What were you up to 9-10 years ago?  Where do you see yourself in 9-10 years?

Now, a few notes on this blog before I launch into the astrological nitty-gritty:  Now that the infinitini blog is all grown up (1 year old as of November 24th), it has evolved from a regular biweekly report to Planetary Reports that will be posted when there’s enough juicy material to share - monthly, biweekly, or something in between.

You can subscribe to this blog in two ways:
1, You can send me an email, & I’ll put you on my blog email list.  rae13diamond {at} or
2, If you’re in the google vein of cyberspace, you can follow this blog by signing up at this other blog.

Last blog clarification:  The infinitini Planetary Reports are dedicated to clarifying the major transformational imperatives suggested by the planets’ placements & movements.  I’ll be leaving out a lot of details, as they distract attention from the deeper truths.  My point in working as an astrologer is to support personal transformation & individual alignment within nature & community.  That’s hard to do through a blog, but sometimes bandages can tide a person over until they can get to a surgeon.

Now back to that crazy beast -

Let’s focus on the lynchpins of this eclipse chart, each involved in two major configurations, each at the focal point of one of those configurations: the Saturn/Venus conjunction, & the Moon/Black Moon Lilith/Jupiter conjunction.

Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio suggests death & rebirth in the realms of relationship & abundance, with an eye on the long haul.  Being at the focal point of Thor’s Hammer (asteroids Vesta & Pallas on the other end of the configuration) & in one of the arms of a Finger of God (with Mars/Pluto & Moon/Black Moon Lilith/Jupiter), Venus & Saturn are sustaining quite a of tension.

Which relationships in your life have the strength, honesty & intensity that suggest longterm value?  What bonds you to others?  Whom do you trust?  Are you trustworthy?  Are you walking your talk in relationships - saying what you mean & meaning what you say?  Are you living up to your promises?  Are others living up to their promises to you?

Have you noticed how we throw the word love around?  In some languages, there are many different words for different kinds of love, but in English, we have this one word that means so many different things.  Play with that idea, & clarify what you mean when you want to write or say love.

Do you have a longterm plan, accounting for your work in the world & your personal needs, including but not limited to your financial needs?  Does it show integrity with your core beliefs?  What do you need to release first before you can start building?
It’s time excavate, & then to be an architect, folks.  That means do your research, do your math, clear & prepare your plot for a good foundation, & make sure it’s all copacetic.  Only then can you consider building.

This juicy eclipsed Moon, Black Moon Lilith, & retrograding Jupiter conjunction in Gemini suggest some fresh ideas bubbling up from the depths of your subconscious & also filtering into your mind from some vaster cosmic understanding.  These are not little ideas.  These are the kinds of ideas that rattle you, that shake you to your core, that wake you at night, & walk beside you throughout the day, demanding your attention.  Being in Gemini & at the focal point of a Finger of God with Saturn/Venus & Pluto/Mars at the far arms, this Moon/Lilith/Jupiter conjunction suggests a directional truth, but it won’t be a comfortable truth.  It’s a truth that can bring everything that’s been stuck into alignment, yet with Jupiter retrograde & Saturn’s influence, it’s neither quickly nor easily implemented.  The Scorpio, Pluto & Lilith influences suggest these are truths that are hard to face, exposing any cover-ups.  Pies in the sky become pies in the face.

Finger of God, where do you point?  At each & every one of us:
Whom am I pointing my finger at?  How am I displaying those very characteristics that hurt or bother me?  When is it wise counsel to hash it out with others, & when is hashing things out with others just a projection-fest?

We tend to think a lot about how others hurt us.  Really, in most cases, others do what they do, & we allow ourselves to feel hurt by it.  For a change, see what happens when you just sit with the pain, & let it speak to you:
What is your pain really saying?  Why hold someone else accountable for their humanness, when we are all just as flawed?

This conjunction is also in a T-square with the Sun in Sagittarius & the ongoing Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Pisces.
How can I be more adaptable?  What “truths” am I holding fast to that may actually be harming me, & keeping me stuck?  Am I martyring myself in any way?  How can I reclaim my freedom, & reconnect myself to something vaster (insert your concept of God or Cosmos or Spirit or Way, etc. here)?

Let us not forget the other T-square in this chart: Pluto/Mars in Capricorn opposite Ceres in Cancer, all square Uranus in Aries.  Again, we are reminded to balance our personal needs with our worldly responsibilities & actions.  We continue to feel a rift between our swift insights & visions, & the complexity & time it takes to actually manifest those electric shocks into the masterpieces we have envisioned.

If you take anything from this writing, be it this:
Let go.  Let go of anything & anyone you’re holding fast to.  Let that which is true stick around on its own, & let everything & everyone else do what they will.

Should you care for some deeper delvings, you may go here to schedule a private consultation.

Until next time, be well & be true.
Thanks for reading.
Rae Diamond
rae13diamond {at}

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