Full Moon in Taurus, Mercury in Retrograde, 10/29/12 & begins 11/6/12, respectively

Here are some images to help you understand the energetic imprint of the next month or so:

The amusement park ride that is a giant cylinder you get inside of, and spins around fast enough that the centrifugal force plasters you to the walls, so that you stay up even as the floor drops;

The gods, in their Mount Olympus paradise, playing chess with pieces that resemble the human characters in the movie, Clash of the Titans.

The thing about the spinning ride is that if you allow the centrifugal force to hold you up, it will.  You can also refuse to submit to that force, and slide down the wall to the bottomed out floor.  The problem with that, however, is that you don’t get the benefits of the experience of trust, or the perspective of the centrifugal force acting on your body instead of the familiar force of gravity.  As for the gods and their chess game, although they instigated various situations, the humans did exercise plenty of their own free will & creativity, courage & wisdom once they found themselves in said situations.

Translation:  Give yourself over to the forces that act upon you; pay attention so you can learn from them, & be creative, conscious & courageous in how you respond to what comes your way in this time of altered experience.

The centrifugal stew starts cooking at the Taurus full moon, with the Sun conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, in a grand water trine with Neptune/Chiron in Pisces and Ceres in Cancer.  This trine suggests that forces in the outer world, especially in the realms of your calling/career and your skills/service/teachers/students will stimulate powerful emotions in you.  Depending on your position, either you’ll want to be mommy’d, or you’ll be called on for mommy-ing (or, if you’re starting to evolve out of this pattern, you’ll be rebelling against your mommy figure).  The high road: enlightened compassion, which includes compassion for self as well as others, & allowing your emotions to instruct rather than control you.  The low road: martyrdom, especially martyrdom that fuels the shadowy part of your ego (ego is not all bad), or completely escaping from/denying the situation/people involved entirely.

If that’s not enough heat, Mars & Pholus oppose Jupiter (align your actions with your beliefs, & bring outdated subconscious beliefs to light & evolution), Venus is moving into a T-square with the on-going Pluto/Uranus square (relationships are where you’re working out your authority & freedom issues), and Mercury, conjunct the North node at this full moon, is slowing down to turn retrograde on November 6th (evolve your consciousness out of what seems safe & familiar into a deeper & more encompassing truth - in other words, grow up, get a little world-wise, & embrace your shadow).  Let’s cut to the chase:

Actions speak louder than words.  Therefore, what do my actions tell me about my beliefs?  Are my actions in alignment with my beliefs?  Am I bottling up any subconscious, poisonous beliefs that I might release in anger?  How can I, through making them conscious, transform those poisonous beliefs into evolved wisdom?

Am I cognizant of the mutual responsibility of my relationship dynamics, or am I breaking them up into I did/you did, I said/you said?  Am I acting with integrity in my relationships?  Am I owning my power in my relationships, or am I giving my authority over so I can blame others for the state of my life?  How can I make wiser choices that afford both myself & those I am in relationship with  more freedom & personal integrity?  Caution: Proceed onto this one only if you are prepared to get into really deep, dark & existential territory:  Am I perceiving anyone I know as who they really are, or are they all just characters in the personal drama of my mind?

Since strong emotional responses to non-life-threatening situations indicate associations with earlier traumas, what are these emotions I’m feeling REALLY about?  How can I acknowledge & heal these deeper issues, so I can stop reliving them, & evolve?  How might I be acting as either mommy or baby or rebellious teenager in my relationships with others, & how would I prefer to act?  Hint:  Stay neutral with what comes up in your life now, look deeper, take responsibility for what’s yours, & shed responsibilities that are not yours.

This brings us to Mercury’s coming retrograde cycle, through early Sagittarius & late Scorpio, lasting from 11/6/12 through 11/26/12.  On the practical level, back up your computers, fix any outstanding issues in your vehicles, get your Thanksgiving plans together before the 6th, & be flexible in how they turn out, especially in regards to how you’re getting to & from your destinations, & what gets said by whom.  In regards to how this retrograde station can be effectively utilized on a simultaneously personal & political level, use your consciousness to direct energy.  In other words, we empower those we think of, especially if we think of them being in their power... so remember who/what you want to empower, & forget about the rest!  Maintain neutrality in discussions & communication snafus, & allow the beliefs & emotions that come up to evolve, & to instruct, rather than control you.

To help you get the most out of this Mercury retrograde cycle:
What is my truth?  How can I allow the truths of others to help me test the integrity of, & perhaps evolve my own truth?

What familiar emotional triggers are coming up for me, especially those that involve my sense of personal power?  How am I stripping myself of my own power by 1, allowing these strong emotions to color my perceptions & reactions, &/or 2, not acknowledging my own complicity/responsibility in these situations?  How am I creating drama in my mind that may not actually exist in reality?

With all of this Scorpio activity going on - Sun, Saturn & North Node in Scorpio, plus in mid-November, Mercury retrograding in Scorpio, & a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio - things are heavy, deep & intense.  Let go of the gravity of your familiar perceptions, & allow the centrifuge of reality to hold you in openness & awareness.  Allow yourself to be moved and shifted.  Notice how it all feels, & then respond with integrity, wisdom, & creativity.

Until my next report on the Scorpio Solar Eclipse (you are already feeling this), you may enjoy supporting this fine blog with a purchase from my etsy shop, or by scheduling an astrology or healing appointment with me in person in Seattle, or over the phone (astrology only).

Enjoy this time of the thin veil as we transition from the life-giving harvest to the acknowledgment of that which & those whom have passed, & of our own eventual passing.  Celebrate & honor death as a necessary aspect of life, & allow death to inspire you to live life more fully & truly.

Thanks for reading.
rae13diamond @ gmail.com

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