Full Moon in Virgo & Grand Earth Trine, 3/8/12

This full moon heightens the two on-going patterns of releasing and simplifying in order to be more effective, & shifting into more heart based & community oriented perspectives.

Generally, a Virgo full moon indicates a time of balancing one’s physical & spiritual needs, of bringing one’s spirit into fuller manifestation, & of channeling one’s skills into higher levels of creativity, ability & service.

This particular full moon occurs in the axis of knowledge, which offers the opportunity to intuit new insights through taking a good look at the facts of one’s situation.  Good questions to ask yourself at this time are:
What are the characteristics of my current job, home, relationships, general life situation, & body?
Do I notice any repeating patterns - positive & negative - among these aspects of my life (i.e. dysfunction, renewal, parasites, alignment, growth, victimhood, avoidance, etc.)?
What choices have I made that brought me into these situations?
What mental perspectives led me to make those choices?
How might I change my perspective so that I can make more empowered & empowering decisions?

Not too far from the Sun, Mercury & Uranus, the two planets most associated with the mind, are in a three way conjunction in Aries with the asteroid, Vesta.  This  planet-set suggests a new, personalized vision of one’s particular gifts, & perhaps some sense of how to direct them in the best interests of one’s community.  These questions may be helpful in handling this pattern:
What is the meeting ground of my ideas, longings & abilities?
How might these gifts/longings fit into the fabric of humanity in a way that benefits others?

Mars, still retrograding in Virgo, is in a wide conjunction with the Moon.  Since full moons stimulate a two-week releasing period, & Mars retrograde in Virgo suggests simplification, you can bet you’re going to get rid of quite a bit in the two weeks prior to the Spring Equinox.  Mars has been retrograding in Virgo since late January, so I have a feeling you know what to let go of by now.  You’ve got till mid-April to do so.  Then warrior god Ares returns to his forwards motion, & on to more external conquests.

Here comes a juicy part of this full moon’s plot:
A grand earth trine is forming between Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Taurus, & retrograding Mars in Virgo.  In layman’s terms, this is a truckload of manifestation energy, which will increase during the middle of March, when Venus antes her Earthiest self into the mix.  Also occurring mid-March is my Mars, Aries & 1st house class - more information here.  My general warning with this configuration, however, is watch out for over-working yourself.  It’s likely this configuration is already bringing new opportunities into your life that will enable you to manifest potent transformation & vast abundance.  The equation is:
1 = Let go of the old.
2 = Work effectively & diligently towards the new.
1 + 2 = The life you want to be leading... yours in some still transitioning form, sometime this summer.

Some questions to help you get the most out of this configuration are:
What do I want to manifest ultimately (for greatest accuracy, think big & joyous)?
What/who is getting in the way of me reaching my goals, & how can I remove that obstacle?
What/who could help me to reach my goals, & if it’s a person or group of people, how could I set up a win-win situation with them?
What opportunities am I currently facing?
Which ones call to my heart AND seem sustainable & suitable to my abilities?
In what ways do my goals & my attainment of my goals, benefit others?

As a reminder, Saturn is retrograding in Libra, offering us the opportunity to take responsibility for our own part in the relationships that have been bothering us.  This may lead to you ultimately removing yourself from a hopelessly toxic relationship, or finally learning how to set appropriate boundaries with others.  The main thing to focus on until the end of June, however, is understanding your own role in relationships.  No more trying to understand someone else’s motivations, or how you might be able to change them.  To help you out, try these thoughts on for size:
What role/s do I play in the relationships that are troubling me?
Do I need to improve my boundaries in any of my relationships?  How might I do that?
Am I overstepping someone else’s boundaries in any of my relationships?  Why?  How could I stop that habit?

Here is another reminder about my fun, transformative, enlightening & healing class on Mars (that pesky guy retrograding in Virgo, who’s maybe been giving you a three month long headache, bringing up health problems, and/or unresolved anger issues), Aries & the 1st house.  We’ll be studying the concepts of will, anger, courage & identity on Sunday, March 18th, at noon.  Two hours of pithy insights, inspiring exercises, energetic clearing, & awakening meditations can be yours for a mere $30, cash only please.  If your sun sign is Aries, you may attend this class for half price.  All of my students who attended the full cycle of my previous year’s classes reported feeling clearer about how astrology works and about how they themselves & the people in their lives work.

Thanks for reading.  Please contact me if you have any questions or comments about this report, or if you are interested in a private consultation.

Wishing you ease in releasing & joy in manifesting,
Rae Diamond
rae13diamond @ gmail.com

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